Annabel Lee
Duke University Undergraduate
Majors: Electrical Engineering, Theater Studies

DIY Omnichord

A midi controller from high school.

This is a MIDI controller I made in high school to model an omnichord, which is a type of chorded keyboard/guitar combination where you can select a chord and then “strum” notes in that chord. I used mechanical keyboard switches (Cherry MX Blues) for the “strumming” and a matrix of small pushbuttons on the ‘neck’ foor selecting chords. The body is made of a pine stair that was stained pink, along with an “oak fretboard” and copper accents. The controller electronics are based around a tiny MIDI controller called “Le Strum” and functions basically as a replacement of the I/O on that board. Here are photos of the ‘finished’ product, which got wrapped up and stored in the garage because I just bought a real omnichord on ebay shortly after finishing it. What an anticlimactic ending.